Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy

26015 - Occupational therapy theory and techniques III

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26015 - Occupational therapy theory and techniques III
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:

Combination of theoretical classes in big group, practical classes in small groups, an individual or group project.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to students to help them achieve the expected results involves the following activities:


Name of the activity: THEORETICAL CLASSES IN THE BIG GROUP (3.5 ECTS, 85 hours) (learning outcome result 1, 3)

Teaching methodology: Explanation and orientation for the personal study of the different contents of the subject, aiming at the acquisition of competences and learning results.


Name of the activity: PRACTICAL CLASSES IN GROUPS (1 ECTS, 25 hours) (learning outcome result 2)

Teaching methodology: Training on hypothetical scenario and resolution of problems both individually and in teams, using the theoretical bases of the subject.


Name of the activity: INDIVIDUAL WORK (0.5 ECTS, 13 hours) (learning outcome result 3)

Teaching methodology: It is aimed at the stimulation for the initiative and personal creativity, the use of bibliographical documental sources, the organization of a logical discourse and the searching and achievement of the concluding thesis.


Name of the activity: PERSONAL STUDY (6 ECTS, 150 hours) (learning outcome results 1, 2, 3)

Teaching methodology: From the activities indicated, the student must be responsible for the creation of schemes and work programs.

5.3. Syllabus

Module I: Occupational Therapy in Neurology

Lesson 1: OT in Brain Injury

Lesson 2: OT in Cerebral Palsy

Lesson 3: OT in Spinal Cord Injury

Lesson 4: OT in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Lesson 6: OT in Parkinson Disease

Lesson 7: OT in Dementias

Practical classe 1: Theories of Occupational Therapy

Practical classe 2: Resolution of practical cases OT in Neurology.


Module II: Occupational Therapy in locomotor apparatus Disorders

Lesson 8: OT in arthrosis

Lesson 9: OT Fracture

Lesson 10: OT Injury Musculotendinous

Lesson 11: OT Hip and Knee

Lesson 12: OT in Amputations

Practical classes 3: Evidence based Occupational Therapy

Practical classe 4: Resolution of practical cases OT in locomotor apparatus Disorders


Module III: Occupational Therapy in Mental Health

Lesson 13: OT in Schizophrenia

Lesson 14: OT in Bipolar Disorder

Lesson 15: OT Depression

Lesson 16: OT on Anxiety

Lesson 17: OT in the eating disorder

Lesson 18: OT on Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Lesson 19: OT in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Lesson 20: OT in Down Syndrome

Lesson 21: OT in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Lesson 22: OT in Dual Pathology

Practical classe 5: Application of theories of Occupational Therapy I

Practical classe 6: Application of theories of Occupational Therapy II

Practica classe 7: Resolution of practical cases OT in Mental Health


Module IV: Occupational Therapy in other areas

Lesson 23: OT in burns

Lesson 24: OT in cancer and palliative care

Practical classe 8: Resolution of practial cases OT in burns

Practical classe 9: Resolution of practical cases OT in palliative care.

Lesson 25: OT in cardiac pathology

Lesson 26: OT in respiratory pathology

Practical classe 10: Resolution of practical cases OT in Cardio-respiratory

Lesson 28: OT in situations of social risk

Practical classes 11 y 12: Resolution of practical cases OT in situations of social risk

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule of on-site sessions and project presentation:


  • Theoretical classes in big groups: 3h/week (Monday from 11.00 to 12.00,
  • Tuesday and Thursday from 11.00 to 13.00)
  • Practical classes in small groups: 2h / week /group (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.00 to 11.00)
  • First theoretical exam (partial): January
  • Second theoretical exam (partial): May
  • Handing over of the individual work:  February-May
  • Final theoretical exam of the whole subject: June –September



More information in ADD


TUTORING: Friday from 11.00 to 13.00 h


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Chapinal A. Rehabilitación de las manos con Artrosis y Artrosis en Terapia Ocupacional. Ed: Masson; 2001


Chapinal A. Rehabilitación en hemiplejía, ataxia, traumatismo craneoencefálico e involuciones en el anciano. Ed: Masson; 2005


Crepeau E, Cohn E, Boyt Schell BA. Willard & Spackman. Terapia ocupacional. 11ª ed. Buenos Aires [etc.]: Ed. Médica Panamericana; 2011.


Crepeau E, Cohn E, Boyt Schell BA. Willard & Spackman. Terapia Ocupacional. 10ª ed. Buenos Aires [etc.]: Ed. Médica Panamericana; 2006


Duncan E.  Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy. Ed Churchill; 2012

Grieve G. Neuropsicología para terapeutas ocupacionales. Editorial Médica Panamericana. 2009.

Heras de Pablo, C G. Modelo de ocupación humana. Madrid, Síntesis, 2015

Kielhofner G. Fundamentos conceptuales de la Terapia Ocupacional (3ª ed.) Buenos Aires: Médica Panamericana; 2006.


Kielhofner G. Modelo de Ocupación Humana. Teoría y aplicación. Buenos Aires: Editorial Panamericana; 2004.


Kronenberg F, Simó S, Pollard N. Terapia Ocupacional sin fronteras. Aprendiendo del espíritu de los sobrevivientes. Madrid: Editora Médica Panamericana; 2006


Martínez  R, Pérez de Heredia M, Gómez C. (coords.) Terapia de la mano. Madrid, Síntesis;  2015

Moruno P. Terapia ocupacional en salud mental. Editorial Elsevier España; 2011.

Polonio B. Terapia Ocupacional aplicada al Daño Cerebral Adquirido. Madrid. Ed: Médico-panamericana; 2010


Polonio B. Terapia Ocupacional en disfunciones físicas. Madrid. Ed: Médico-panamericana; 2015

Romero D, Moruno P. Terapia Ocupacional. Teoría y técnicas. Ed. Masson; 2003.


Sánchez O, Polonio B, Pellegrini M. Terapia ocupacional en salud mental. Teoría y técnicas para la autonomía personal.  Ed. Médica Panamericana; 2012


Trombly, C.A: Terapia Ocupacional en enfermos incapacitados físicamente. México DF.: Ed. Prensa Médica Mexicana; 1990


Turner, Annie, Foster, Marg, Johnson, Sybil E. Terapia Ocupacional y disfunción física. Madrid: Ed. Elsevier Science; 2002


Turpin M,. Iwama M. Using Occupational Therapy Models in Practice : A Fieldguide. London: Churchill Livingstone; 2010